Myth VS Reality: Oily Skin Edition


We’re here to share some Myth VS Reality content-
We first posted these as Instagram Stories back in January 2022, but it’s now here to stay on our blog!

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Dealing with a shiny, oily complexion can be confusing, you might think that skipping out on your moisturiser or washing your face aggressively with harsh cleansers will help keep you skin oil-free. 

Okay stop- having oily skin is completely natural and can’t entirely be “fixed”; sometimes you can’t control it entirely, but that’s okay! We can learn to lessen the shiny complexion by clearing up these myths first:

1. The Myth: “I just need to cleanse more.”

Reality: False! Cleansing your face many times a day might seem like a good idea, but it really isn’t. Over-cleansing can strip the essential oils that your skin needs. Washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser is more than enough.

2. The Myth: “I don’t need a moisturiser, I’m shiny enough!”

Reality: False! Oily skin does not mean that your skin is well hydrated. Skipping your moisturiser to dry out your skin can actually make it more shiny- it sends a signal to your body to produce more oil to make sure your skin isn’t dehydrated. Moisturisers help prevent skin dryness, so choose one that’s light and oil-free.

3. The Myth: “Sunscreen makes my skin oilier”

Reality: False! You’re not sun damage-resistant just because you have oily skin. SPF helps prevent premature ageing, dark spots, wrinkles and protects you from the sun! Try an oil-free formula, most sunscreens are now lightweight and won’t leave a white cast.

4. The Myth: “Unhealthy, oily and fried food causes oily skin”

Reality: False! Usually, an oily or unhealthy diet is not the main reason for your oily skin. An unhealthy diet may worsen or aggravate your oily skin, but genetics, hormones and environmental conditions have to be considered as well. If you think the food that you’re eating is causing oily skin, strive for a balanced diet and eat less foods that are high in sugar and omega-6 fatty acids, which are largely present in fried foods, as well as dairy, which can trigger an inflammatory response in your body, leading to potential breakouts and blackheads. Oily skin is often caused by genetics and hormones.

5. The Myth: “You’re stuck with oily skin for life.”

Reality: Yea and no- you can’t get rid of it forever since it’s genetic, but you can get professional treatments to help decrease some of your oil. If oily skin is a big problem for you, make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss prescription options.

Aura Nur also offers a few skincare products if you’d like to maintain your oily skin.

We’re here to help you achieve your skin goals and tackle tricky skin issues, so let’s get you started on your skin journey with Aura Nur!

We have three skincare items to help with your oily skin:

1. Acne Puryf’n Gel

+ Control sebum production + Calms itch and redness on the skin

+ Provides UV protection + Reduces inflammation and hyperpigmentation.

+ Provides moisture for softer and clearer skin on blemished spots.


2. Oxygen Bubble Mask

+ Unclogs your skin pores + Removes and clears excess sebum

+ Helps treat acne + Clears blackheads

+ Hydrates and moisturises skin


3. Sebum Control Moisturiser

+ Effectively controls sebum + Deeply moisturising, hydrating, pore-minimising and soothes skin


These skincare items will definitely help you along with your Aura Nur Skin Journey. If you’ve got any questions to ask, our DMs and WhatsApp are always open for you!

What type of myths have you heard about that you would like us to clarify?