Myth VS Reality: Moisturiser Edition


We’re here to share some Myth VS Reality content-
We first posted these as Instagram Stories back in January 2022, but it’s now here to stay on our blog!

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

Here’s Part 2 of our Myth VS Reality series, where we’ll debunk Moisturiser Myths. As a recap, what does the word “myth” even mean? “Myth” means: a widely held but false belief or idea. A misconception, a misbelief.

This week, let’s go over 6 myths about Moisturisers that you should know about!

1. The Myth: “Those With Oily Skin Don’t Need A Moisturiser.”

Reality: It’s False! You do need to moisturise, as it still has many benefits for people with oily skin. No matter what your skin type, you need to be using some kind of moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated, balanced and nourished. Your skin will dry out and create more oil if you don’t moisturise. Look for a product that will not clog pores. Avoid products with cocoa butter and mineral oil.

2. Myth: “I shouldn’t exfoliate my sensitive skin.”

Reality: Mostly False. Exfoliating clears clogged pores and helps the skin absorb moisture, which is great for sensitive skin. It is important to use a less abrasive product and a gentle technique so the skin doesn’t get irritated or inflamed.

3. Myth: “The heavier the cream (moisturiser), the better”

Reality: False. Thicker doesn’t mean more hydration, it’s the ingredients inside that matters. Moisturisers are made up of three key components- to help attract moisture, create a protective barrier to stop moisture from escaping, and to soothe and soften the skin. It’s essential to find the right moisturiser for your skin type:

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you should stay clear of rich formulas as these could block your pores and leave your skin feeling and looking greasy, instead look for a gel or water-based moisturiser.


4. Myth: “You need a moisturiser only when you wash your face”

Reality: Not really. Yes, you’ll need to moisturise every time you wash your face to retain moisture in your skin, but you can reapply throughout the day if you have dry skin to keep it hydrated.

5. Myth: “You can use body lotion / moisturiser on your face as well”

Reality: OMG, please don’t :’) The skin on your face is delicate and thin, while the skin on your body is thicker, they’re totally different! Body lotions may contain fragrances, and can be harsher, heavier or sensitive on your face. Besides, face moisturisers have specific purposes for various skin concerns. If you do end up using body lotion on your face, you might end up with acne, a stinging or burning sensation, redness, itching or other forms of skin irritation.

6. Myth: “If your moisturiser contains SPF, you don’t need a sunscreen”

Reality: If your moisturiser SPF is 40 and above, that’s probably alright, but you still need to reapply every 2 hours! Since Singapore is constantly bright and sunny, SPF50 will be more protective if you’re outdoors or sitting near the window a lot. Make sure to apply your sunscreen 20 minutes before going out!

Now, if you’re in need of a moisturiser,

and have oily or acne-prone skin, you should stay clear of rich formulas as these could block your pores and leave your skin feeling and looking greasy.

Look for something gel or water-based, like our Sebum Control Moisturiser, which is suitable for Oily skin, as it:

+Effectively controls sebum

+Deeply moisturises the skin

We also have our Brightening Moisturiser that’s suitable for those with Dry, Dull, Sensitive and Normal Skin, and you’ll see your skin:

+Brightened and be Hydrated

+Soothes sensitive skin

+Restores skin suppleness with fruit extracts

+Eliminates skin pigmentation effectively with constant use

What type of myths have you heard about that you would like us to clarify?